About Us

Legendary PA Hardwoods was started by two entrepreneurial sprits whose facination and respect for Mother Nature's work is only matched by their desire to see it preserved.
The hardwood stands of America's northeast have only been exposed to mechanized man for 200 years. The result, 98% of "old-growth" trees are gone. Farmhouses, barns, charcoal, ships, factory and city construction decimated the forests of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and Virginia. The hardwood giants, that had populated the northeast for centuries, were ultimate transformed into the backbone of a young nation's infrastructure.
Today, the true hardwood relics of the northeast forest are very few and far between. The unmatched and highly desirable figure, tight growth rings, curl, and quilting, often associated with old growth trees, is becoming more valued as it becomes more scares.
At Legendary PA Hardwoods, our focus is finding the trees that have been marked for removal by home owners, business owners, and arborist and preserving them by producing high quality, live edge, hardwood lumber.